Team Luton has successfully achieved the standards of Swim England’s SwimMark. By meeting this standard it has also reached Sport England’s Clubmark status.

What is SwimMark?

Swim England awards SwimMark accreditation to clubs that meet specified high Quality Standards. It recognises clubs that are committed to providing safe, effective, high quality services for the benefit of their members. It focuses particularly on the needs of athletes – striving to provide them with the best possible support and environment. Clubs are assessed against three distinct criteria:

      • Governance (emphasis on good club management);
      • Workforce Development (focus on training / development of coaches and other volunteers within the club);
      • Athlete Development (concentration on the needs of the swimmer).

Clubs aiming to achieve SwimMark accreditation must first complete and audit of all of their programmes and structures against a series of questions that are linked to nationally determined outcomes of good practice. Then, based on the audit findings, clubs must then produce a development plan to address any gaps in provision and to take the club forward.

All of this evidence is rigorously assessed by a Regional Co-ordinator to ensure that the club meets the required standards in all aspects. They review the club’s programmes, procedures, coaches, health and safety, finances, safeguarding approach etc.

This isn’t a one-off exercise – every year the Regional co-ordinator reviews the club to ensure that high standards are maintained.

What is Sport Englands Clubmark?

Clubmark is a cross-sport quality accreditation for clubs with junior sections and signifies the Club’s commitment to being a safe, effective and child-friendly sports club.

It sets core and common criteria for sport clubs to meet in respect of child protection, coaching, competition, sports equity, ethics and club management. It provides certification of a well-run club which is safe, active and accessible.

SwimMark is recognised by Sport England as a Clubmark accredited scheme and therefore all clubs gaining SwimMark accreditation now automatically receive Clubmark status.