Tag Archives: featured

April Level 1 Meet

Saturday 14/Sunday 15 April 2018 (1ER180341)

March Level 1 Meet

Saturday 24/Sunday 25 March 2018 (1ER180343)

Welcome to Team Luton

Team Luton Swimming Club is a well-established, friendly and highly successful competitive swimming club based at Inspire: Luton Sports Village.

We encourage everyone starting from their very first local swim meet through to our Performance swimmers competing at Regional and National level.  With seven Performance swimmers qualifying for the 2019 British or National championships and fifteen for the English National Masters, the Club prides itself on providing a supportive club environment that enables all swimmers, regardless of age, to reach their full competitive potential. As of July 2020, our Performance, Masters and Seniors Age Group members held over 120 Beds County long course and short course records on distances ranging from 50m to 1,500m.

If you are interested in joining, contact either the Club’s Secretary or Masters Secretary. Read here for more about us or click on any of the drop down menus for much more information.

Winter Development Meet

Sunday 13 December 2015 

Our last chance County Qualifier is now open for entries. All events from 50s to 400s, and no entry times required.  This meet is first come first served, so get your entries in quickly.


Full Entry Pack

Schedule of Events

Qualifying Times (Upper limits only)

Individual Entry Form

Sportsystems Entry File  (download the Sportsystems Entry Manager)

Please encourage your officials to volunteer using the form below.  If we get enough offers of help we will provide mentoring for officials in training.

Officials Form (PDF) / Officials Form (Word)